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Live Los Pacaminos Sketch

About me

Amanda Beck is a reportage artist renowned for capturing the colour & energy of live events within her work. The creative process of “visual story telling” results in unique pieces of art that reflect the essence and excitement of live music.

Live Los Pacaminos Sketch at Oktoberfest Worthing

'It was a beautiful sunny day in Worthing, I packed my art materials ready for a midday Tex-Mex fiesta! Los Pacaminos had come to town and I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to sketch this highly talented group of musicians and the joy they bring to their audience.

My aim was to capture the camaraderie of the band, their energy and sense of fun as I sketched and listened to their foot stomping music. The bright coloured lights reflected the party atmosphere as the audience danced, cheered and sang along. People’s Spirits (and Tequila glasses) were raised in celebration and as an artist who enjoys capturing live events, this was the place to be'.

Amanda captured the event in an original piece of work for the band. If you would like a copy for your own enjoyment you'll find more information here

Book to see Los Pacaminos Live!


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